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Q: The Iroquois promoted peace by
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How the Iroquois promoted peace They formed a what?

The Iroquois had form a confederation.

The Iroquois promoted peace by doing what?

The Iroquois promoted peace through the establishment of the Great Law of Peace, which outlined principles for conflict resolution and diplomacy. They also held regular gatherings, known as the Great Council, where leaders from different tribes could discuss and resolve disputes peacefully. Additionally, they utilized wampum belts and strings as a symbolic way to communicate and solidify agreements.

Had Buddhism promoted peace in Asia?

It has promoted peace in entire world.

What is Iroquois great law of peace mean?

The Iroquois great law of peace was model for the United States democracy

The Iroquois of the eastern woodlands were a?


What organizations did the Iroquois form to promote peace among their people?

The Iroquois Confederacy

What organization did the Iroquois form promote peace among their people?

The Iroquois Confederacy

What organization did Iroquois form to promote peace among their people?

The Iroquois Confederacy

What organization dod the Iroquois form to promote peace among their people?

The Iroquois Federation

What organization did the iroquois form to promote peace among there people?

The Iroquois Confederacy

How did Michael Jackson promote peace?

Michael promoted peace through his music.

Did the Iroquois form the Iroquois confederacy to become more powerful?

Yes, they tried to stop the fighting and maintain peace.