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Q: The Aztecs flourished in a vast area known as Mesoamerica?
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Where did the Aztecs flourished?

The Aztecs flourished in a well known area in Mesoamerica

What are the contrasts of Aztecs Mayans and Incas?

Aztecs and Mayans developed their respective civilizations on central and southern Mexico, in an area known as Mesoamerica. Inca people were located on present-day Peru, in South America.

What area extended approximately from Central Mexico to Honduras and Nicaragua in which diverse pre-Columbian civilizations flourished?


What is the region that spans from the Valley of Mexico to Costa Rica?

The region that spans from the Valley of Mexico to Costa Rica is known as Mesoamerica. This area is characterized by its rich history of ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs, Maya, and Olmecs, as well as its diverse cultures and geography. Mesoamerica is home to many significant archaeological sites and is known for its advanced agricultural practices and complex urban centers.

Who were the first inhabitants of Central America?

The Olmecs were the first civilization in the area, from about 1200 B.C. to 400 B.C. The Maya flourished in the rainforests in the north from about 250 A.D. to 900 A.D.

Did Aztecs civilizations mix its culture with others?

Yes. Aztecs had regular contact with other civilizations, such as Texcocan, Tlacopan and Maya. Aztecs were also bitter enemies of the Tlaxcaltec civilization, who ultimately allied with Cortes and his Spanish conquistadores to destroy the Aztecs. These civilizations had common traits, such as weapons and tools made from obsidian stone, the year calendar, the ball game or the need to sacrifice the captured warriors for their gods. That is why the area of central and south Mexico is known as Mesoamerica.

Were the Aztecs and Incas in Mexico?

The Aztecs were mainly located in Mexico. The Incas were mainly located in the area, today, known as Chile.

Where did the toltec people live?

The Toltec people lived in South America. They were especially around the area of Mexico.

What is the Aztecs habitat?

That's called mesoamerica. It is just basically from Mexico to the southern countries like Honduras, Belice, El Salvador, etc. But the aztecs only lived in what now is called Mexico. The aztecs had many problems with their habitat, only 10% of the soil of that area was suitable for crops and the water at Lake Texcoco was mostly salty.

Where did agriculture develop in the Americas around 1700 bce?

Agriculture developed in the Americas in 1700 BCE in Mexico. At the time, this area was known as Mesoamerica.

Area from central mexico to northern honduras?


What is Tiwanaku well known for?

Tiwanaku is known fr the power and reign that he brought in the area of MesoAmerica. This ruler had much power and dominated trade, primarily bananas as well as sugar cane.