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Q: Someone outside the Indian caste system was called an?
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Someone outside the Indian caste system was called?


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A planet found outside of our solar system is called an "exoplanet" or "extrasolar planet"

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May possible in outside India but no idea about Indian system.

What does good karma bring?

It brings someone in the Caste System, ( in India ) , to a higher part of the caste system. Let's say that someone in India was a untouchable, someone who stays outside the walls, has good karma they will be born into a higher caste group.

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It is based on ten digits and the concept of place value.

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What is the name of the Indian system of strict social classes called?

The Indian system of strict social classes is called the caste system. It divides people into different social groups based on birth, occupation, and social status.

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Well, there are planets outside of the solar system, and there is one that is livable, but I don't know what it is called.

What are the levels of the indian caste system?

the indian caste system has 4 levels. The Brahmans (priests), the Kshatriya (warriors and landowners), the Vaishya (merchants and artists), and the Shudra (farmers). The untouchables are a group outside of the caste system, but are still considered part of it. They do all of the unwanted jobs.