

Best Answer
  • Brahmins (scholars and priests)
  • Kshatriyas (kings and warriors)
  • Vaishyas (merchants)
  • Shudras (farmers, service providers)
  • Parjanya (untouchables)

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Q: Place the members of the Gupta caste system in their order of importance - first to fifth?
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Place the members of the Gupta caste system in their order of importance first to fifth?

Brahmins (scholars and priests)Kshatriyas (kings and warriors)Vaishyas (merchants)Shudras (farmers, service providers)Parjanya (untouchables)Read more: Gupta_Empire's_caste_system

What took place during gupta period?

ya mom

What took place during the gupta period?

ya mom

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What innovations took place during Gupta period?

During the Gupta Empire period in India (320-550CE) innovations took place in engineering, art, literature, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and religion

What was the period of the Gupta empire?

the Gupta period of India in 185 b.c.e the Mauryan empire collapsed when the last of the Mauryan kings was assassinated in its place small kingdom.

Under which ruler did the golden age of India take place?

Gupta Dynasty

The golden age of India took place during what Empire?

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zero is the very important in number system because zero is the center on number line without zero we cannot place minus or plus

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The concept was developed by Aryabhatta, in the Gupta empire in India.