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Q: Is viswakarma upper caste than nair in kerala?
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Menon is a sub caste of the Nair Community which belongs to Kerala state. Yes it has its own reservations and is considered as an upper class (caste).

What caste does prithviraj sukumaran belongs to?

Prithviraj Sukumaran, the son of Mallika Sukumaran, also known as Mohamallika Pillai, and Sukumaran Nair, belongs to the Nair Pillai caste.

Do saliya pilla belong to nair communtiy?

No.its a completly different caste.saliya is a lower caste in kerala listed as obc by kerala government.

Is Nair forward caste in kerala?

Nair is one of the caste in Kerala. All human are same. In that sense, you can not say one caste is forward or other is backward. If you see the caste system, Nairs are considered as Shudras who comes at the bottom in Hindu varna(color) system. First is Brahmins and then Kshathriyas(Mainly Verma) and then Vaishyas(Who does trace) and then Shudras who work for all the other three groups.

In kerala the cast nair is Kshathriyas different cast under kshathriyas in kerala?

All the warriors belong to Nair group they belong to the Nagavamsh and Nagans the true dravadian and the kings too belong to Nair caste before the invadation of Arya Brahmins In kerala and the brahmins in kerala took the leadership in administration in kerala as no body could question them as they were considerd to be close to god as they does the puujas and they converted the loyable land loadrs or nair kings to samantha, samantha kshatriya and so on and in kerala nairgroup spreads in kshatriya, vaisya castes and those who belonged to be lower category in Nair group came to sudras too.......

What race is vinita nair?

She belongs to the nair caste of Kerala (India) . This is a SEMI-MONGLOID originated in the India China border. Later migrated to southernmost India in an exodus called Munda exodus. This race now inhabit in Nepal ( as Newars ) and Kerala ( as Nairs )

Who is upper caste Nair or Vishwakarma?

Nairs are a branch of Nagavanshi Kshatriyas found in the Indian state of kerala. They are similar to the Bands , Nagavanshi Rajputs and Jats. Vishwakarmas are supposed to be engaged in the construction jobs . But, they fall under the Brahmin caste. Regarding who is upper , the Brahmins or the Kshatriyas is tricky question . According to the indian constitution no one is upper or lower , all are equal before law and of course same in the eyes of God !

Which cast was nair?

Nair was considered to be a Brahmin caste but to Parshuram they were considered to be kshatriya. However, they do not belong to any Caste system as we know in Aryanism. Nairs are a dravidian tribe who got aryanised to a certain extent with advent of Brahmins in Kerala. Considering their stature, martial history and nobility the caste division of khastriya would be the most appropriate that they will fit in to.

When was Venukuttan Nair born?

Venukuttan Nair was born in 1931, in Kerala, India.

Is vellala pillai upper caste than nair in kerala?

After Brahmins Saiva Vellalar(Saiva Pillai) is the highest caste which ranks in Kshatriya status. Almost all Tamil Kings were Saiva Vellalars who followed Saiva Siddhanta. Ettu Veetil Pillai and Travancore Pillai Community is just an Migration of Tamil speaking Saiva Pillai Pandyan Kingdom and Chera Kingdom. Saiva vellala or Saiva Pillai is a Forward Caste according to both TN and KL Government. Most of the rulers were from this caste. Saiva Pillai or Saiva Vellalar is Kshatriya who migrated with Rishi Agastya during Treta Yug along with Brahmins. Genes in Saiva Vellala Or Saiva Pillai community is north Indian Aryan Gene which is same in Brahmins. All Non Vegetarian Pillai communities in TN are sutras. For respect many low caste added Pillai as their Surname. But they are fake. Saiva Pillai is Aryan Kshatriya Forward Caste who are pure vegetarian. Original Saiva Pillai/Saiva Vellala is Kshatriya.

If the Chakkala Nair and nair are the same caste?

chakkala is obc and chakkala nair is general

When was Navya Nair born?

Navya Nair was born in 1984, in Alappuzha, Kerala, India.