gounder comes under which caste?
Both are sub caste under Vanniyar caste
Nadars are Superior in aspects of Money, Power and Heritage.
Kongu Vellala Gounders were classified as aForward Caste at the time of Indian independence but they successfully requested to be reclassified as a Backward Class in 1975. They are rulers of kongu region.
Actor Surya belongs to the Kongu Vellalar caste in Tamil Nadu, India.
Actor Surya belongs to Kongu Vellala Gounder caste which is prominent in west Tamil Nadu; His birthplace Coimbatore is the major city of the west Tamil Nadu. His caste's prominent occupation is agriculture.He is yadav too.
Nadar from viruthunagar father's name pandiyaraj nadar
i think both are equal......gounders are economically and politacally dominanat in western tamilnadu.....
1)Thevar is majority of tamilnadu (including three subcaste .there are kallar,maravar,agamudyar) 2)vanniyar second majority caste of tamilnadu(all sub caste ) 3)Then, kongu gounder..
A. Senapathi Gounder was born in 1916.
The cast of Chinna Gounder - 1991 includes: Vijayakanth as Chinna Gounder Salim Ghouse as Sakare Gounder