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Navajo is not Indo-European. It is an Athabascan language. There is Northern, Southern and Pacific Athabascan. There are about 31 northern, 7 pacific and 7 southern. Navajo is Southern. It is related to the 6 different Apache languages. The Athabascan family is thought to be part of a larger group the Na-Dene group. There may be a link with that group to a Siberian languages called Yeniseian.

In any case it is very , very different than any Indo European language. It has many more consonants, 33 in all. There are four vowels but they can be held longer or shorter and also be nasalized. It is tonal like Chinese, and Tibetan and Burmese. It has low, high, rising and falling. It is subject object verb, like Japanese or Turkish. It is a fusional, polysynthetic, nominative-accusative head-marking language. It is very "verb heavy" with few nouns. Many nouns are inflected to show possesion. There is an unusual 4th person. The verb has 7 modes and 12 aspect and subaspects. For example if you did someting for and indefinate amount of time it congujates differeently than it it is over and over or attempted, There are 11 classificatory "handling" verb stems that show if the verb is dealing with mushy stuff or large round things or flat stiff things and so on. There are degrees of animation so that it is not gramamical for a less animate or aware enity to act on a more animate thing. So the rock can't hit you. You get yourself hit.

There is much more but by this same amount you can see how very different it is from English, Russian, Italian, Hindi or Persian.

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