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They sorta voted. They asked every member of their tribe which one they thought was better and which ever one had the most votes won!

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great council Simon and HELEN is awesome.

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In a longhouse

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Q: How were decisions made by the Iroquois league?
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Who made the decisions for the Iroquois League?

The men

How were all the decisions made by the Iroquois league made?

Majority ruled

How did the Iroquois league make decision?

they had a great council

How did the Iroquois league make the decisions that affected all it's nations?

The Iroquois league affected it's nations by not fighting and living peacefully. ;) have a nice day!

What was the name of the group that made all the decisions for the Iroquois league?

um.... the grand council i think so Wright that whole thing down now

Who made the important decisions of the Iroquois?

A girl named Joanne did

Who made the decisions in the Iroquois tribe?

the great council does

What group of people made the decisions in the iroquis league?

The council made all the decisions

What is the six united native American nations?

Iroquois League

How do you use Iroquois league in a sentence?

The Iroquois League was a very powerful confederation.

Iroquois alliance was called what?

the Iroquois league

Who is the Government of the Iroquois?

The Grand Council of the Iroquois League is the government of the Iroquois