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Q: How many people were in the tribe of micmac?
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Related questions

Who was the chef of the Micmac tribe?

There was no chef,the women did the cooking.

What state did the Micmac people live?

Although the tribe occupied most east coast provinces of Canada there was known to be a tribe living in northern Maine of the U.S.A.

How did the Micmac tribe adapt to different areas?

they traveled by boat

Does the micmac Indian tribe still live in Canada?


What weapons did the micmac use?

the mi'kmaq tribe used spears for weapons

Were can you get information on the micmac Indian tribe?

MicmacNative American people inhabiting Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec.double click on Micmac on this page for more information from

What is the role of the men in a micmac tribe?

i think that they would hunt and go to war hope i helped! :)

Do the micmac and the Algonquin tribe talk the same?

Basically yes. The languages are similar but more associated with the languages of the Montagnais and Cree in Quebec. The dialect of the Restigouche Micmac in Quebec differs enough from the Micmac of Nova Scotia that they have some difficulty in understanding each other.

What do Indian tribes call the month of may?

Frog Croaking Moon -from the micmac tribe. learning in maine studies :)

What country did the word toboggaining come from?

A Canadian/French word Tabagane was adopted from the Canadian Micmac tribe who used the word Tobakun

Where did the Micmac people go and what happend to them?

They did not go anywhere. Mi'kmaq live in their traditional homeland today and always have. The treaties negotiated with the Canadian government allow for areas set aside and forever to be lands owned by the tribe.

How many people were in the Juaneno tribe?

There were more than 600 Juaneno people in the tribe.