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The exact date is not known but there is evidence that aborigines were living in and colonizing Australia 40,000 (forty thousand) years ago.

In response to this common answer. There is no real evidence that Aboriginals came across from another country, its pure speculation. However, there is evidence of Aboriginal people being here from over 120,000 years ago from the artifacts found up North.

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10y ago
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12y ago

Aboriginal people first arrived Australia in 4000 year ago .

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13y ago

It is believed to been about 40,000years ago

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10y ago

The Aboriginal people have been in existence in Australia for the past 50,000 years. Twenty thousand years before that these people migrated out of Africa to Australia.

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13y ago

40,000 years

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14y ago

It is believed at least 40,000 years ago.

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13y ago

30,000 years ago from Asia

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11y ago

before the british

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Q: How long have the aboriginal people lived in Australia?
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How long had Aboriginal people lived in Australia before colonization?

Estimates vary from around 5,000 years to 20,000 years.

What year did the aborigines invade Australia?

The Aboriginal people never did invade Australia, The British people did. Aboriginal people roamed Australia long before the British/white people did. (:

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Aboriginal Australians lived in Australia with kangaroo's long before Europeans. Since the Aboriginal people kept no written history, we cannot narrow it down to a single person.

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How long had the aboriginal people lived in the traditional way?

I DON'T know................................. That's what google is for

Who arrived in Australia more than 70000 years ago?

The people now known as the Aboriginal people of Australia were the first to arrive, but not as long as 70000 years ago.

When did Australia have its own language?

The original Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had their own language, long before Europeans ever stepped foot on the country. There were easily 250 or more aboriginal dialects in Australia.

How do you say thank you in aboriginal?

Hard to say. An 'aboriginal' refers to a member of an older, usually ancient, group of people that lived or live off the land. In the USA, there are American Aboriginals, for instance, who are wrongly called, "Indians". There are groups of people in Australia who lived there far, far longer than the white people. They are Australian Aboriginals, or simply, aborigines. The aboriginal people in Canada are the Inuit and the Metis people. They have wrongly been called, "Eskimos" for a long, long time. The people who lived in what is now called, Japan" are the Ainu people. They are aboriginals who live on the northern island of Japan and in nearby Russia. The Philippines were occupied by an aboriginal group of people from Malaya, far before the white explorers discovered them. Taiwan also has aboriginal people who probably came there thousands of years ago from mainland China. So, you see how it is hard to answer your question - there may be as many as 100 aborinal languages.

Who are aborgions?

the Aborigines native people of Australia. they have lived in Australia for at least 50,000 and possibly as long as 65,000 years!

How long aboriginal people walked this earth?

Aboriginal people walked this earth for over 50,000 years ago.

What does aboriginals mean?

Answer 1The word "aboriginal" means indigenous to, or native to that particular country or locality. The word 'aboriginal' has a few distinct senses: 1: of or pertaining to members of the indigenous people of Australia; 2: having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; 3: characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning; 4: an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; 5: a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived.Answer 2the word aboriginal means some one who came from Australia long before we did but they were scared off by the British. The word aboriginal means native American Answer 3Aboriginal means: of or relating to the people and things that have been in a region from the earliest timeof or relating to the native people of Australia : of or relating to Australian aborigines

What is Australia's oldest surviving culture?

Obviously, the indigenous Australians, or Aboriginal culture, is the oldest surviving culture in Australia. They were here long before the Europeans.