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Everything is coming back from the 80's the converse, skinnys, and sooo much more. I guess almost everything... except for the big hair. I LOVE fashion!

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Q: How has fashion of the 1980's affected today's fashion?
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How did the fashion of 1960s change todays society?

Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.

Is todays fashion the same as the 2000s fashion?

yes fashion repeats itself

What were the fashion colors in the 1980s?

pink,neon colors,and black

What clothes should I wear for todays fashion?

Today's fashion is more of neon or bright. For girls definitely sassy or popular.

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The fashion designer Ann Demeulemeester was born on December 29, 1959. She was born in Waregem, Belgium and has had a career in fashion since the 1980s.

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The media was a huge influence on fashion in the 1980s. People copied what the celebrities wore in movies and music videos.

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How did ancient Greeks influence on todays fashion?

Gladiator sandals were very poopular in summer of 2010!

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What are somethings that people wore in the 80 that are now out of fashion?

Fashion is cyclical and the styles of the 1980s are back in style, like padded shoulders and neon brights.