Halito Halito, chim achukma? - Hello, how are you?
In Algonquin, you say "wa’ciyew."
How to say Good Morning in Cree
In Cree, you can say "miyo kisikaw" to express congratulations.
In Cree, you can say "Tansi, niiya nananaskomot."
In Swampy Cree, you can say "miyo kisikaw" to say goodbye.
* The Ottawas * The Chippewas * The Ojibwa * The Pottawatomie * The Oji-Cree * the Algonquin
I am Cree and the cree word for grandfather is Mushom (pronounced Mooshoom).
Cree is one of the Native tribes in Canada. All the tribes combined are called Native because they were the first people here in North America, they consist of many different tribes, like Algonquin, Cree, Chippewa, Huron etc....
kîhipa meaning hurry in cree
Merry Christmas in Cree
In Cree, you can say "Kiya pimatisiwin" to mean "Have a good day."