What is the Algonquin word for cranberry
The Algonquin word for "to be sacred or Holy" is kitcitwawis or kitcitwawenindagos.
The Algonquin word for an elk is wàbidì, which has passed into English as wapiti.
In the Algonkin or Algonquin language, the word meaning "men" is anishinaabe, but this is almost always used about Algonquin men, not foreigners. The human race is anishinaabek towak.The word for a soldier is shimaganish or minisino.A warrior is mikakiwinini or nondopaniwinini.
The Algonquin word for a twin is nijotenj; one of twins is pejik nijotenj; they are twins is nijotenjiwak; twins is nijotenjak.
Storm in Algonquin is procellarum. This language is spoken in Quebec and Canada and is written as Latin. Procellarum is the Latin version of the word storm in Algonquin.
Manitou is Algonquin word for Spirit
According to those unreliable US-based "baby name meaning" websites, the name Segenam is "Algonquin for lazy"; in fact it is not an Algonquin word but Natick (one of the Algonquian languages).In Natick you say sə -gə-nam (ə indicates a neutral vowel sound called schwa).
Quinte is not an Algonquin word but it derives from the native word Kenté or Kentio, which was the name of an Algonquin village located in the area, possibly referring to the large bay. It is another example of European explorers and settlers misunderstanding native names and having little interest in native languages.In a document dated 11 August 1783, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs Sir John Johnson referred to the "Bay of Kenty" belonging to the Mississauga people.Kenté is pronounced ken-tay. The first element of the name may be Algonquin ken- or kaun-, meaning long.
Illinois is an Algonquin word which means "men" or "warriors"
The Algonquin (Omàmiwininì) language has many words for "to hunt" and "hunter", depending on exactly what is being hunted. A general word for a hunter is giiwosewinini or nendawenjiged.