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1)Tease your hair like your life depends on it

2)use a WHOLE can of hairspray

3)Think that your ALL THAT!

4)have a poster of Audrey Kitching hanging on your locker and in your room


if you are real a teenager going through this you will know half those words if you are a little 12 year old girl who just wants to be a scene kid then good luck.


If you want to be called scene instead of emo, shop continuously at Hot Topic, make that your all time favorite store and waste daddy's credit card on it. If you're a guy, spike the back of your hair up and lave your front hair into bangs. If you wear glasses, change it to thick-framed glasses. You take myspace pictures from all different angles because you think it's 'hardcore'.


Learn to be obnoxious. <- A lot of scene people are obnoxious and think they are THE WORLD.


Okay yeah there all right too but I just wanted too add another little thing Dont wear dark clothes then youll be called emo. And make sure you smile often. Dont forget to love scene queens to such as Audrey Kitching, Hanna Beth, Jac Vanek, Zui Suicide, Kiki Kannibal, Dakota Rose, and Raquel Reed They might help inspire you. Well yup and dont forget hairspray.


OK, the music they like is never shout never brokencyde and I think we the kings. And if you are scene, you HAVE to know your music. If you ar a girl, you have to have at least a few shirts with hello kitty or chowder. I suggest you tease youur hair too! Oh, and you have to have skinny jeans ( by the way this one is for girls only ) ballay flats or vans flats and lots of different colored bracelets. You have to have lots of jewewlry and don't tell a scene person they're emo because theyll get agitated; first of all, scene people are happy and emos are not; second of all, scenes wear bright colors emos don't; and scenes usally make their last name different, for example, if your name were Brigett, you make you last name Bones or something really bad. Remember all these rules and you will be scene and remember this : SCENES ARE ALWAYS HAPPY!

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Q: How do you get people to call you scene not emo?
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What is the difference between a scene girl and an emo girl?

Scene is just a fashion..scene kids are ppl who just look emo or punkish..some may call it 'emo try-hard'..emo is also a fashion but is also a genre and the deep stuff like self harming..scene kids dont do that.

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well they love emo people and emo music and they dress in rainbow and have emo hair but rainbow :) I am emo so if you wanted to know :p

What do you think of the emo and scene fashions?

Okay. Emo, isn't real. It is not a fashion. Scene on the other hand is. Emo is a term for EMO-tional. So yeah... Emo has to do with feelings and Scene is a highly populated fashion for teen's and young adults. Scene is based on music also. Emo is nothing moe than pathetic people trying to be scene while wear black to make them goth. So in conclusion Emo is truley not a fashion. - The End

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Some of them do but "scene" people are usually just posers that are half emo half preppy. you don't have to be emo to cut though.

Do emo children like scene children?

"Emo" kids might like "scene" kids. But It's not vice versa. Real Scene Kids believe that emo is nothing but a cheap imitation of scene mixed with goth. The general thought of "scene" in society today, is that people just stereotype scene as emo. Which in fact pisses off the scene crowd. Due to some similarities they're easily confused. Most people in middle school/Freshman &amp; sophomores are considered "emo". Due to they are not that old and most likely following the teeny bopper trends. So in conclusion, Emo's and scene's do not get along due to the fact that real scene people hate "emo's". The End. the person who wrote this is wrong^ everyone know that scen kids and emo kids always get along they hang out together, they may have their fueds somethimes but they in fact do get along.

Are scene people emo?

No they just like to dress like that.

Which is better emo or scene?


Is scene hair emo?

noppe its NOT emo.

What is an emo-scene?

Emo is emotional rock. Scene is preppy sparkle dance music

What is the difference between emo scene and punk?

Scene is easy it's a style, skinny jeans, black with bright color's, choppy eaither black or bleach blond hair with differnt color's. Then theres emo it's a state of mind really emo is just short for emotional. hope that helps :)

Can emo be a phase?

yes, i was emo and now im scene, most ppl who leave being emo become scene like me XxXxXxXxX conversechickXxXxXxXxX