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The Inuits will dress in deer or seal skin, also caribou skin, they will hunt the animals and use EVERY part of the animal that they killed. Nothing is wasted, skins are used for clothing , meat for sustenance, and oils for their lamps and heating.

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with animal skins

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11y ago

inuits didnt like the clothes as they

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What do Inuits were?

Inuits mostly wear anything they hunt for example if they kill an animal they will use their fur to make clothes. This is wrong the Inuits wear mockisons and bear, moose fur. Also it is wear not were.

What clothes do inuits wear?

They wear winter clothes

What did Inuits clothes look like?

muscle shirts.

What kind of clothes did the Inuits wear?

caribou skin

What Inuits clothes are made of?

made out of seal and buck skin

How do Inuits get their clothes?

they hunt fish and seals and then sow in tugeter

What type of clothes do Inuits wear?

the fur and skin of animals, such as caribou and polar bears

Do the Inuit hunt walruses?

The Inuits do kill walruses because they sometimes use there skin for clothes.

What are the Inuits clothes?

they wore seel skin boots and polar bear fur for shirts and pants

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How do you make Inuit plural possessive?

The plural of Inuit can be either Inuit or Inuits. If you are using Inuit as the plural, then the plural possessive is Inuit's; if you are using Inuits as the plural, then the plural possessive is Inuits'.

What do Eskimos use to make a window in an igloo?

Inuits do not have igloos.