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3y ago
What do you mean bye that makes no sense.
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Sir Hi There

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Aliah Gambill

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2y ago
this makes no sense if you had a rating system you woundnt get a star at all.

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Q: How did the geography of the tlingit region help them trade with other groups?
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Is geography simply the study of locations on a map If not what other topics does geography include How does the study of geography help to inform the way your world functions?

geography covers these five themes: movement region location interaction place

What kinds of geography does the southeast have?

Basically, every country, continent, or other geographical region has a "southeast", so please clarify what country (or other type of region) you are talking about.

What kind of crafts did the Tlingit Indians make?

Tlingit artists are known for their fine basket and carving arts, including totem poles, and for their exceptional Chilkat robes and other weavings. Here is a website about Tlingit artwork in general.

What is a large area that has common features that set it apart from other areas?

A region is a large area with common features, such as shared culture, geography, or history, that distinguish it from other areas. Examples include the Amazon Rainforest region in South America or the Arctic region in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the other type of geography other than physical geography and environmental geography?

The other geography is called Human Geography, the study of humans and their interaction with the land. It includes the subcategory of cultural geography. Human geography is also called Social geography.

Is the word region a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'region' is a common noun, a general word for a area of whose politics, geography, or culture is distinguished for other areas; a part of the body.

What is background of region?

The background of a region refers to its history, culture, geography, and other relevant factors that have shaped its identity and development over time. Understanding the background of a region can provide valuable insights into its current situation, challenges, and opportunities.

Does culture effect region or region affect culture or both?

Both culture and region can influence each other. Culture can shape the traditions, beliefs, and values of a region, while the region's geography, climate, and history can also impact the development of its culture. This interaction results in unique cultural identities that vary from one region to another.

The geography shaped the development of the Anasazi like how they built their villages under cliffs so they could be protected from other groups and the weather.?

Yes. This is gay

What is an area with at least one feature that makes it different from one another?

A region is an area with distinct characteristics that set it apart from other areas. These characteristics can include physical geography, climate, culture, language, or economic activities, making each region unique.

What is the difference between the essential elements of geography and the themes of geography?

The essential elements of geography include location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region, which are fundamental concepts in studying the Earth's surface. On the other hand, the themes of geography are location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region, which are key topics that guide the exploration of spatial relationships and patterns on Earth. In essence, the essential elements and themes of geography are similar concepts with slight variations in wording.

What features of the geography of the north and south caused one region to produce so many agrarians and the other so many industrialists?

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