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Idell Dietrich

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they shot them and took everything they wanted from them

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Q: How did the European communicate with Aboriginals?
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What were the positives and negatives of the Aboriginal European contact?

The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.The answer will depend on aboriginals from what part of the world.

How did Samuel Champlain communicate with the aboriginals?

umm i think they used hand siginals

What happened when the Europeans and aboriginals where fighting?

the australian aboriginals didn't have good weapons to defeat the europeans, the australian aboriginals only have boomerangs and aeros for weapons, and the european have guns. so the europeans won the war.

What are some social groups in Australia?

some social groups are aboriginals and european

Do aboriginals have a god?

They don't see god in the same way a European would but Yes

What were the roles of the priests in new France?

well, they helped take care of the sick, helped the church, taught the children, learned the aboriginals language to make it much easier to communicate and introduced their culture to the aboriginals

Disease brought to Australia by European explorers?

Diseases that affected Aboriginals that also began wiping them out

Why did aboriginals use symbols?

Aboriginals used symbols to tell stories and represent feelings. The used it also to pass down the earliest stories of the culture, generation to generation.

What did the Europeans teach the aboriginals?

They taught them the European culture and religion also their language

Why do aboriginals do cave painting?

I don't know much about aboriginals, but I can make an assumption with some fact involved. People before written languages were made all over the world painted as a way to communicate. Thats the verdict of what I know.

What relationships did Europeans have with the natives?

They did not get along because the Aboriginals wanted to trade their furs for European goods, but the Europeans didn't want to.

Which European nation trapped and traded furs with the American Indians?

France, and England mostly, but all of Europe was trading with the aboriginals