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kites have had a significant impact on the society and environment. Kites can measure the temperature for the weather which leads to people knowing what the weather is going to be for the day.

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Q: How did the Chinese kites impact their society?
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Who were kites invented by?


What ancient people gave us kites?

The Chinese began flying kites.

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How did kites impact China?

Kites originated in China over 2,000 years ago and have had a significant impact on Chinese culture. They were used for military signaling, measuring distances, and in religious ceremonies. Kites also influenced the development of early aviation and continue to be a popular form of recreation and festival in modern China.

Where do kites originate from?

The Chinese were the first people to make kites and flying kites is still a very popular passtime in China.

Why did the Chinese make kites?

For administrative purposes.

Where did the kite come from?

The kites came from the Chinese.

What were Chinese kites used for?

Kite fighting

Is the kites still use by the chinse today?

Yes,kites are still used by Chinese till this day.

How do Chinese use kites nowadays?

The materials of the traditional Chinese kites are mainly bamboo and silk. Purely made and painted by hand. Inheriting Chinese traditional crafts of kites, made by folk artisans from all over China. each kite was made with fine-selected material and excellent handicrafts. Each of them has been adjusted by kite experts, so they can fly high and steadily.