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Q: How did blue jeans make an impact on society?
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How do blue jeans help society?

they make males and females feel equal

Do you say you re wearing blue jeans or a pair of blue jeans?

you would say you're wearing blue jeans because a pair means to so if you say, "i'm wearing a pair of blue jeans." that mean you are weaing 2 blue jeans lol x SO MAKE SURE YOU SAY I AM WEARING BLUE JEANS!

Why does Haggar not make the w2w jeans in Navy Blue anymore?

Haggar does not make the W2W jeans in navy blue any more because the color has not been in demand. They do offer many other colors and styles of jeans.

Did malcolm-x make an impact to society?

Yes he made a huge impact on society

How did blue jeans help society?

Blue jeans have helped society in several ways. They provided a durable and practical clothing option for manual laborers and outdoor workers, thus increasing productivity and comfort. They also became a symbol of rebellion and counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s, challenging established societal norms and promoting individualism. Additionally, blue jeans have become a global fashion staple, contributing to the growth of the fashion industry and cultural exchange.

What was the first price of jeans in 1853?

Levi Strauss made the first blue jeans. The company started in 1853 but did not make jeans that were for sale until 1873. Jeans at this time were 1.25.

How do you dye orange fabric to make blue?

you can make blue jeans by denim and use a sewing machine and sew them and you have to make sure that they are even you cand invent blue jeans

How do blue jeans make life easier?

so people dont see your junk.

Did the first men on the moon make an impact in society?

Make an impact in society, ofcourse it made other nations want to get their people on the moon is was broad-casted world wide

What kind of jeans should you wear?

Make sure they are lose enough for you to be comfortable, but not TOO loose. You're not going to impress anyone if your pants fall down. Also, if you are wearing a light colored shirt, wear light blue jeans. If you are wearing a dark colored shirt, wear dark blue jeans or black jeans.

How do you make blue color?

If something is not already blue, you can dye it. Indigo is a plant famous for its blue dye. It was used to make blue jeans. However the dye can now be made in the laboratory.

What is the sewing process for changing blue jeans into a blue jean skirt?

cut the pants legs off and make u a design and there is a skirt