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No , Many people still believe and use the Caste System even though it has been officially abolished by the Indian government

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Q: Has the Caste system completely disappeared from Indian society?
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Has The caste system has completely disappeared from Indian society?

No, it remains a powerful centrifugal force.

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Is it true that The caste system has completely disappeared from Indian society?

Unfortunately no, that is not true. Many people still observe some or all of the traditions of the caste system even though it has been officially abolished by the Indian government. This would never end. It is because unlike in science like poles repel each other, in life, like people attract each other. So, if two people will have same thinking over the things that are related to caste system. then this would definitely lead to the upliftment of caste system.

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The Caste system

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Does the caste system still have a purpose in Indian society today?

yes in udgir it is their

When was the caste system introduced in Indian society?

1200-2500 bc and .........................................................................................sike

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