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Eskimos stay in there igloos, their body heat warms u the air inside the igloos and the air inside becomes warmer than the air outside. Both air and ice are insulators and they reduce heat loss from inside the igloos to surrounding by conduction..

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Q: Eskimos choose to live in igloos which is made up of ice even the ice is coldexplain why?
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How do eskimos remain warm even though igloos are made up of ice?

Even though igloos are made up of ice, Eskimos stay warm because their body heat warms the air inside the igloos and the air inside becomes warmer than the air outside. Both air and ice are good insulators and they reduce heat loss from inside the igloos to the surroundings by conduction.

Why do Eskimos sweat?

because, why does any one in the world sweat? how are eskimos any different(and that's not even politically correct, they arent called eskimos, they are called inuit)

What do Eskimo's do?

"They live in little ice houses (igloos), and they fish." Are you kidding me? I live among the Eskimos and have never a single one live in an ice house. An "iglu" is a house; period. There are many kinds. Today Eskimos live in iglu constructed of wood and glass, with gas, electric, or diesel heaters, stoves, refrigerators, telephones, and even television! The "snowhouses" that people commonly refer to as "igloos" were traditionally constructed only as temporary shelters while out traveling during the cold season. Traditional longer-term (what Westerners might call "permanent") housing was primarily semi-subterranean. The Inuit, which live in Canada and Greenland, used snowhouses for longer-term dwellings. However, Inuit are not Eskimos, and Eskimos are not Inuit. So, while Eskimos do fish (including whaling), they also hunt (caribou, seals, geese, bear, etc); and they do not live in ice houses - even little ones.

Where do people use igloos?

The place where people use igloos is up in the high north.... lest say the tip top of Canada, or even Alaska.

What can buildings out of?

A building can be made out of all sorts of different materials, ranging from bricks to wood. A lot of buildings in the USA are built out of wood, but these aren't as strong and durable as buildings that are built out of bricks. A building could even be made out of ice, for example, igloos built by eskimos. Temporary buildings however, are typically made out of stainless steel.

How do you get in candence's igloo?

It is impossible to enter any of the mascots' igloos. Even if you went in, it would be empty.

Where did penguins get their name?

It should be based on their original venue-the Mellon arena or the "Igloo". Even though Igloos have nothing to do with penguins...

How do you sell a refrigerator to an eskimos?

Even if Eskimos live in cold places they need a refrigerator to keep your food products as you cant leave them outside even though your surroundings are cool. Also you can control the temperature inside a refrigerator while you cannot control the room temperature. This could be a major factor in selling a refrigerator to a eskimo

What does a penguin do in the day time?

the penguins sleep when you log off in their igloos and sometimes play with your puffles if you have any or even talk to your friends if they are online.

When do Eskimos eat their meat raw?

Today, they live in houses and cook their food just as anyone else - or they go to a nearby fast-food restaurant. Even in older times igloos were only a sort of hunting lodges which were built and used when and as long as they went out to hunt .Even then and there, meat was not always eaten raw, but generally speaking an igloo made of snow blocks is not a place where you want to light a nice big cooking fire if you don't want the roof to fall in. So there they might eat their meat raw.

What things do Guinea pigs need in their hutch?

Guinea pigs need a clean and spacious hutch with bedding, such as hay or paper-based products. They require fresh water, a balanced diet of hay, pellets, and vegetables, as well as enrichment items like toys and tunnels for mental stimulation. Regular cleaning and veterinary care are also essential for their well-being.

Why did eskimos eat what they did?

Because it was the only way they could survive in such a harsh environment. Eskimos cannot grow plants or produce crops in an area where the permafrost is only a few inches from the surface, and the window for growing such crops is much too narrow for the crops to even grow or survive.