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While many tribes used animals to represent their clans, not all did so. In the case of the three Blackfoot tribes (Blood, Piegan and Blackfoot), clan names were not always connected with animals, while the warrior society names generally were.

In 1800 there were 36 Blackfoot clans, later reduced to just 19. They include: The Lone Fighters, Bears, Many Medicines, Small Robes, Skunks, Seldom Alone, Many Lodgepoles, Short Bows, Biters, Black Elks, Bad Guns.

Blackfoot warrior societies include: Little Birds, Brave Dogs, Kit Foxes, Bulls, Horn, Catchers, Mosquitoes, Raven Carriers, Tails.

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Q: Each tribe has clans. What animals are used to symbolize the Blackfoot or Blackfeet clans?
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