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Q: Do Australian women live longer than Australian men?
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In average Australian men live longer than Australian women true or faulse?

Australian women usally live longer

Do Australian men live longer than Australian women?


On average do Australian men live longer than Australian women?

Women Live Longerbecause the cells In men bodies are not genetically programmed to last as long as they are in females.

Why do venezuelan women live longer than venezuelan men?

Actually, women in most places live longer than men. Why? It is simply biology.

Do women have a shorter life expectancy than men?

Not exactly. some single women live longer than married ons but some don't. it is a stereo-type to say that one can live longer than the other. it just depends on the womens health and mother nature.

Do women live longer in Russia than women?

they live much longer, by about 14 years because men tend to drink heavaly and have very bad health

Who was the comedian who did why women live longer than men?

george Lopez

Why do women live longer?

Because men gain more stress than women and that's so

How do girls live longer than boys?

most men go and work all day so girls can work in the house and threefold men don't live longer because of that but i do agree that women live longer

How long can the average Chinese man and woman expect to live?

Longer than the old times. Usually over 70. Women , longer. There is no war anyway. The American men and women in Iraq, can live that long?

On average how many years does a woman live more than a man?

On average, women tend to live 5 years longer than Men.

Who will survive life longer men or women?

The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.4 years. Women tend to live 6.7 years longer than men.