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No, the Inuits moved around. They did this so they could find better areas and spots for hunting.

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11y ago

the nootka tribe stayed in one town but not in the same house or what ever they staid in hop3 i helped

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Q: Did the inuit tribe stay in one place?
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What tribe is the inuit in?

Inuit are the peoples who live in and around the Arctic. From the tip of Russia to the east of Greenland, the Inuit refers to the people formerly called the "eskimo" The term "eskimo" comes from a Native American word that could have meant "eater of raw flesh" and is now considered derogatory by many of the people. The people prefer the name Inuit which means "THE PEOPLE" or "THE REAL PEOPLE". The word comes from a language called Inuit-Inupiaq. When speaking of a singular person one should use the term Inuk or "person" The tribe is all Inuit but can be designated by the area they come from, such as the Mittimatalik Inuit of Baffin island or the Northwest territories Inuit.

How inuit move from one place to another?

For the most part, they walked.

First tribe in Alaska?

A name of one Alaskan tribe is the Inuit tribe. Also reffered to as eskimos. Their most populated areas are Alaska, Greenland, and Canada. The Inuit were decendents of the Thule culture who emerged from Western Alaska in 1000 AD. Some of the languages that they spoke are English, Inuit, Danish and Eskimo-Aleut. They believed in Christianity and Shamanism. Some of the Inuit's game was whales, seals, polar bears, caribou, and walruses. The food that they gathered were roots, berries, seaweed, stems, tubers, and grasses.

What are facts about the Inuit native tribe?

One interesting fact about the Subarctic Indians is that they were nomadic. This means they moved around and did not always stay in one place. Other facts include that they obtained their food by hunting and fishing, and that they lived in teepees, lean-tos, and pit houses.

Which Native American tribe lived in the Yellowstone area?

The Shoshone tribe inhabited the area of Wyoming that is now Yellowstone National Park, however, being a nomadic tribe, they didn't stay in one particular place (or "live" there) for very long.

Who was the leader of the group inuit?

The Inuits were a series of tribes that lived in the northernmost part of North America, up in the Arctic. There was no one leader, but rather a leader for each tribe, where there were hundreds of. Generally, the strongest hunter was considered the chief of a tribe. Perhaps a more specific questions would yield a better answer...?

What was the geography of where the Inuit tribe lived?

Of course! There were tribes that lived in different places. Therefore, there can be a map. It may be a little inaccurate since tribes could be scattered and not just in one place, but there definitely can - and probably is - a map of where the Inuit tribes live.

What was one Native American Tribe?

inuit or iriqouis or soix irqious live in the north east partof us like around new york

What is an inuit lives in one?

no.the inuits did not live in one place they would move to different places to live.

Do Pandas stay in one place?

=yes but not all of the pandas stay in one place.=