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Yes,we did eat fry bread and still do eat it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: Did the Ojibwa eat fry bread?
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Related questions

What fish did Ojibwa people eat?

Ojibwa's traditional foods was corn bread, fried bread, and rice!! look up these recipes online, maybe on or just Google it. Just type Ojibwa's traditional corn bread, or fried bread, or rice.

What kind of traditional food might you eat in a powwow?

Fry bread and fish

What did Ojibwa eat with?

a wooden spoon

What food do Navajo people eat?

Navajo people eat things like: mutton, fry bread, corn mush, Navajo tacos, sheep, lamb, and goat, kneeldown bread( from fresh corn), roast corn, roast chillies. Roast mutton and roast chillies on fry bread is very good.

Where do Ojibwa Indians eat?

in their kitchen moam

Did the Ojibwa eat birds?

Yes they do

What country does fry bread come from?

I can't remember but type in fry ed bread and it should come up with a wikipeadia webpage and click on it and it tell's you

How are frog legs prepared?

kill them ... then fry them ... then eat them kill them ... then fry them ... then eat them

Do they eat stir fry in Mongolia?

Yes! the Mongolians do eat stir fry

How did native Americans grew bread?

Native Americans didn't grow wheat, but corn. Corn was ground into a maze and made into a fry bread. Some tribes used acorns to make a maze and make a portage or fry bread.

How do you make egg sandwich?

Fry an egg and put on bread !

Did the Navajo Indians eat sheep?

Yes, the Navajo people raise sheep and enjoy eating mutton. Mutton on fry bread is a favorite at any Navajo event.