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Cooties are a fictional disease and used by children as a way to make fun of someone. But many people call lice cooties.

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you have the cooties

Do guys have cooties?

Cooties is an imaginary disease. Nobody really has cooties or can catch them.

What were cooties?

cooties are a type of body lice

How do you know if you have cooties?

There are cootie catchers you can make plus boys have boy cooties and girls have girl cooties!

Is cooties real?

Cooties are not real. The concept of cooties is a childhood game or joke where one gender is thought to have a contagious "cooties" that can be passed on by touch. It is not a real medical condition.

When was Cockroach Cooties created?

Cockroach Cooties was created in 2001.

When was Computer Cooties created?

Computer Cooties was created on 2010-10-06.

Do males have cooties?

No Cooties are a make beleif thing that children make up

What are the symptoms of cooties?

As Cooties is not a real disease the symptoms can be whatever children say they are. Cooties is a disease that is made up by children in order to single out individuals in the playground and tease one another.

How did the name 'cooties' turn into a fictional sickness that a particular gender or race had?

"Cooties" are lice. A more common expression than "cooties" is to describe anything that is of poor quality as "lousy".

Is there a club called the Cooties or Cootie Library?

A man I know from Johnstown Pennsylvannia has a uniform his Grand Father used to wear that had "The Cooties" on it and also a photo of his unit in WWI that they called The Cooties (Kooties?)

What does cooties look like?

Cooties is an American disease that is fictional. It is akin to an urban legend among young American children.