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yes they are warm they have a flap inside

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Q: Are the Inuits houses warm
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What was the Inuits household?

igloos and pit houses

What is the name of an Eskimo's (Inuits's) ice shelter?

Inuits don't have ice shelters. They live in houses now.

What kind of houses to Inuits live in?

they live in igloos

Do Inuits just live in igloos?

inuits don't just live in igloos. They live in houses made out of driftwood which are then covered with soil.

What is the name of an Eskimo's (inuit) ice shelter?

Inuits don't have ice shelters. They live in houses now.

What kind of houses did Inuits have?

Im not really shore sorry

Inuits live in igloo because?

Inuits do not live in igloos. They live in regular houses that were built by the government when they claimed Alaska as a state.

What Indian tribe built snow houses?

Inuits built it because they lived in igloos

Why eskimos make their houses called igloos out of snow?

Snow has particles that are kept warm more than ice this makes snow a better insulator and also snow is easier to mold.

What happened to the Inuits of Canada?

we still have some but if your thinking of the olden days Inuit like igloos... then that's starting not to exist the world gets older & things yet change now we have houses & they have actual houses we still have Inuits! they got real houses & their life style changed a bit from the past... =)

What do Inuits live in?

Modern Inuit live in standard houses, while they are known for their igloo snow houses these are rarely used anymore.