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The Aboriginal people played the didgeridoo, the shakers, skin drums, clapping sticks, a percussion tube and many other instrument's.

well i hope that answered a bit of your question !

answered by : Emily.N.

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The Digeridoo.

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Digeridoes maybe

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Q: What do aborigines use instrument for?
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What musical instrument is used by the aborigines of Australia for ceremonial purposes?

The Didgeridoo (don't quote my spelling). It's like a long toilet roll made out of wood that you blow on to make a cool sound. Girls aren't aloud to play them and they are usually decorated in paintings.

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Native Australians are referred to as aborigines.

What is the musical instrument created by the aborigine people of Australia called?

The Australian aborigines created the didgeridoo.

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Where did didgeridoo come from?

The didgeridoo was invented in 1500 by the aborigines

What are didgeridoos?

The didgeridoo is a musical instrument of the Australian Aborigines. It is a long wooden tube and the air in it vibrates to make a continual throbbing sound. This is used to accompany traditional dances. You can also see Aborigines busking with didgeridoos.

What did the aborigines use as paper?

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What colors do aboriginals not use?

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What did aborigines use to carve tools and weapons?

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