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Q: Why is it impossible for ships to sail all the way from Africa's interior sea?
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Why is it impossible for ships to sail all the way from africas interior to the sea?

No African Rivers continue from the mainland to the oceans

Why is it impossible for ships to sail from africas interior to the sea?

Firstly, there aren't all that many navigable rivers running to the sea from Africa's interior, and secondly, most of these rivers have rapids and waterfalls.

Why is it impossible for ships to sail all the way from Africa interior to the sea?

cataracts act as transportation berries because they make it impossible for ships to sail from Africa's interior to the sea

Why is it impossible for ships to sail all the way from Africa's interior to the sea?

cataracts act as transportation berries because they make it impossible for ships to sail from Africa's interior to the sea

Why is it impossible for ships to sail from Africa's interior to the sea?

Firstly, there aren't all that many navigable rivers running to the sea from Africa's interior, and secondly, most of these rivers have rapids and waterfalls.

Why are ships unable to sail very far inland in coastal West Africa?

there are large waterfalls or steep rapids. These obstacles make it impossible for ship to sail the whole way between Africa's interior and the sea.ANSWER:because it is way too small

Why is it impossible for ships to sail from Africa’s interior to the sea?

Firstly, there aren't all that many navigable rivers running to the sea from Africa's interior, and secondly, most of these rivers have rapids and waterfalls.

Who was the author who wrote Ships sail East and ships sail West?

Type your answer here... Edgar A. Guest

DID the three ships sail away?

yes the three ships sail away (the Nina.the Pinta,and the Santa Maria

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Tom sail on a ship called DO

Where did the ships sail to in California?

i do not have a clue

What invention allowed ships to sail into the wind?

Wut made ships sail in the wind was that using a persicet sail or flag will pick up the wind and will push the air out and sail..just like u swinging on a swing 