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Poseidon causes a storm.

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Q: Why is Odysseus' journey away from Calypso's island difficult?
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Odysseus is trapped on calypsos island?

For seven years!

Odysseus is trapped on calypsos island for how many days?

7 years

When we first meet the hero Odysseus on Calypsos island what is he doing?


How did Odysseus leave Calypsos' island?

Athena told her father Zeus that Odysseus wanted to go home to see his wife and son so Zeus told Hermes to go and tell Calypso to let Odysseus leave her island. She agreed and told Odysseus to make a boat and she gave him food and wine for his journey

What happens to Odysseus ater he leaves calypsos island in Book v?

After leaving Calypso's island in Book V of Homer's "The Odyssey", Odysseus faces many challenges on his journey home. He encounters a storm created by the wrath of Poseidon, he is shipwrecked on the island of the Phaeacians, and he is finally helped by Princess Nausicaa. Ultimately, he reaches the safety of the Phaeacian court.

What island does Odysseus end up on after he escapes Scylla and Charybdis?

Odysseus ends up at calypsos island where he is standed there for seven years. There he meets the immortal calypso and fatally falls for her just as she falls for him. She keeps him on her island by not giving him the tools he needs to make a raft.

What is the name of Calypsos island?


What are three dangerous encounters or expericences of odysseus's journey?

Cyclops Polymephus, the island of Hyperion, and the island of Calypso

What effects does the lotus leaf have on Odysseus's men?

The lotus leaf induces a state of forgetfulness and contentment in Odysseus's men, causing them to lose their desire to return home and remain on the island. This makes it difficult for Odysseus to convince them to leave and continue their journey.

What sign does Zeus give that he is backing Odysseus?

Zeus backs Odysseus by sending a favorable wind to help him return home safely. This wind is a sign of Zeus' support and protection for Odysseus's journey.

What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island or Calypso?

Odysseus was weeping on the shore of Calypso's island, feeling trapped and longing to return home. Hermes arrived to deliver Zeus's message that Odysseus must be allowed to leave the island and continue his journey back to Ithaca.

Who suggests Odysseus should leave kirkes island?

Hermes, the messenger god, suggests to Odysseus that he should leave Circe's island and continue his journey home to Ithaca. Hermes warns Odysseus about the danger of staying too long on the island and advises him on how to break Circe's spell.