Yongle was born on May 2, 1360.
Yongle was born on May 2, 1360.
Yongle Encyclopedia was created in 1408.
Yongle Emperor was born on May 2, 1360.
Yongle Emperor was born on May 2, 1360.
Yongle Railway Station was created in 2008.
Yongle Emperor died on August 12, 1424 at the age of 64.
The answer for Feb 13 2008 was Ocean Voyage ocean voyage
From 1405-1433, Zheng He led 7 naval explorations around the Indian Ocean.
Yongle Emperor died on August 12, 1424 at the age of 64.
A "voyage" is travel on the sea or ocean, a trip by ship or boat.
Titanic was crossing the Atlantic Ocean on her maiden voyage.