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Columbus traveled westward because he followed the winds.

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Q: Why did Columbus travel westward at lower latitudes?
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Why Columbus traveled westward at lower latitudes?

Columbus traveled westward at lower latitudes because he believed he could reach Asia by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a shorter distance. He underestimated the size of the Earth and did not account for the existence of the Americas, which ultimately led him to discover the New World while searching for a western route to reach Asia.

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How does insulation change with increasing latitude?

Insulation decreases with increasing latitude due to the angle at which sunlight reaches the Earth's surface. At higher latitudes, the sun's rays are more spread out and travel through more atmosphere before reaching the surface, leading to lower insulation levels. This results in cooler temperatures at higher latitudes compared to lower latitudes.

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Warm air moves towards higher latitudes towards the poles, while cold air moves towards lower latitudes towards the equator. This movement is driven by the temperature and pressure differences between these regions.

Why do higher latitudes receive less solar radiation than lower latitudes?

Higher latitudes receive less solar radiation because sunlight hits the Earth at a more oblique angle, spreading the same amount of energy over a larger surface area. This results in lower intensity of solar radiation reaching these regions compared to lower latitudes where sunlight strikes the Earth more directly.

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What effect causes winds to turn westward in the lower northern hemisphere?

The Coriolis effect.

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Higher latitudes receive less solar radiation due to the angle at which the sunlight strikes the Earth's surface. At higher latitudes, the sun's rays hit the Earth at a lower angle, spreading the same amount of energy over a larger area. This results in lower intensity of sunlight and less solar radiation reaching those areas.

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