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King Alcinous of Phaeacia the brother of John Mark Abriam and Nino Rafael Mejorada the greek ultimate warriors of the Sacred Heart Academy located at Loon Bohol...the Saiyan.

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Q: Who helped Odysseus to have safe voyage home after released by calypso?
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Why does Odysseus have a long voyage home?

He stabs the eye of Polyphemus, the cyclops, Poseidon's son. This angers the god, who controls the sea...and he makes Odysseus' journey home from Troy meander for 10 years. He also spends 7 years on Calypso's island.

What reason does Calypso give for letting Odysseus leave in 'The Odyssey'?

Fear of angering the Chief God Zeus is the reason which Calypso gives for letting Odysseus leave in "The Odyssey." The immortal sea nymph in question receives an order from Zeus by way of the divine messenger Hermes to release her mortal lover from a seven-year affair to a recommenced sea voyage home to Ithaca.

What role did the Gods play in The Odyssey's struggle to get home?

They played a very significant role in this epic. They had supernatural powers and where there to help mortals and give their pity. For example, Athena assisted Odyesseus thorugh his journey and helped him arrange his plans to return to Ithaca. She watched his every step and guided him on his voyage. SHe also helped Telemakhos step out of his shadow and start his journey to manhood. She sets and example of an intelligent, sophisticated woman and can be regarded as an example of our modern women today. While, Circe and Calypso also helped Odysseus by providing him with information and advice before he took off towards his homeland. There is a god that is against Odysseus, Poseidon. He makes Odysseus's journey hard after Odysseus blinds the Cyclops. So the Gods can be looked on in both ways. Calypso does not help Odysseus; she goes against Zeus' will by holding captive him there on her island. Yes, they are lovers, but he is not happy there. She actually holds him captive there for seven years, and that by far is going against Zeus' hospitality rule.

What happens to Odysseus ater he leaves calypsos island in Book v?

After leaving Calypso's island in Book V of Homer's "The Odyssey", Odysseus faces many challenges on his journey home. He encounters a storm created by the wrath of Poseidon, he is shipwrecked on the island of the Phaeacians, and he is finally helped by Princess Nausicaa. Ultimately, he reaches the safety of the Phaeacian court.

Why Odysseus's men died?

Poseidon commanded them to be killed off on their voyage because of the curse he put on Odysseus.

What does Odysseus the god do?

In Greek mythology, Odysseus is not a god, he is a hero. He makes a heroic voyage, known as the Odyssey.

What does tiresias warn Odysseus not to harm on his voyage?

The cattle of the sun

Did Odysseus save his company?

Those of Odysseus' crew who survived Troy all died on the voyage back to Ithaca.

How does Odysseus die?

Odysseus was killed by his blood blood son CIRCE....hope it helped =)The supposed last poem in the Epic Cycle is called the Telegony, and is thought to tell the story of Odysseus's last voyage, and of his death at the hands of Telegonus, his son with Circe. The poem, like the others of the cycle, is "lost" in that no authentic version has been discovered.

When was Bon Voyage released?

Bon Voyage was released on 03/19/2004.

What is Odysseus reaction to seeing Argus?

Odysseus feels really sad and then Argus dies because he is 20+ years old. Argus was just a puppy when Odysseus first left on his voyage.

Who helped Columbus?

queen Isabella helped Columbus out,by sponsering his voyage