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On 24 December 1974, Cyclone Tracy, which had developed as a tropical storm out in the Arafura Sea, moved in to Darwin Harbour. On Christmas Day, 25 December 1974, the cyclone left the city in shreds.

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Q: Where did Cyclone Tracy hit?
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What cyclone hit before Cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Selma came before Cyclone Tracy.

What was the location of Cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

What month did cyclone Tracy hit Darwin?

Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin in the month of December. Specifically, it hit on Christmas Day.

Did cyclone Tracy hit Darwin?

Yes. Cyclone Tracy directly hit Darwin, wiping out about three-quarters of the town.

What are facts about Cyclone Tracy?

cyclone Tracy was very serious and was in 1974. it hit on Christmas eve.

When was cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia on the 25th of December 1974 but she had formed on the 20th.

What is the name of the cyclone that hit Darwin on Christmas day?

The cyclone that hit Darwin on Christmas Day was Cyclone Tracy, which struck in 1974.

How much rain fell when cyclone Tracy hit Darwin?

When Cyclone Tracy Hit Darwin, the city received 250mm within a 12 hour period.

How many donations was Queensland given from Cyclone Tracy?

None. Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin in the Northern Territory, not Queensland, in 1974.

What day did Cyclone Tracy happen?

Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin shortly after 2am on 25 December 1974 - Christmas Day.

What caused cylone Tracy in Darwin 1974?

Cyclone Tracy hit the 25 of December

How long ago was cyclone Tracy?

It hit Darwin on Christmas Day 1974. As of now, March 2014, it is just over 39 years since cyclone Tracy hit.