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Q: When was Jacques cartiers voyage?
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How many days was Jacques cartiers fourth voyage?


What were conditions like during Jacques Cartiers voyage?


Whoose expedition took place soon after jacques cartiers voyage?

Cartier's three expeditions took place soon after jacques cartiers voyage along the St. Lawrence River.

When was Jacques Cartiers first voyage?

Jacques Cartier's first voyage was 1534. April twentieth.

How did Jacques Cartiers voyage change the world?

becauz he discovered canada

What are the most important things that happened in Jacques cartiers voyage in 1734?

the rudder of the caravel pinta became loose

Jacques Cartiers language?


Was Jacques cartiers family rich?


Was Jacques Cartiers father a merchant?

No he was not

Why was Jacques cartiers voyage important?

Jacques Cartier was the one to claim Canada for the French and to give it its name. He essentially scouted out the land, giving the French an idea about what was located there and brought back things from the Americas.

Who is Jacques cartiers sponsoring country?


Was Jacques Cartiers wife an explorer?

his wife was NOT