

Best Answer
  1. The Hardships were that his sailors got sick and starved to death.
  2. Water was coming in .
  3. There were bugs rats and spiders
  4. there were storms that were violent
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Q: What were the hardships that Cartier face in the all of the voyages?
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Why were Jacques Cartier voyages important?

he claimed all of Canada

How long did Jacques Cartier voyage take?

20 months for all of the voyages

What were some hardships of Jacques Cartier?

the reason all his men died was because of scurvy and from the lack of food. they traveld on the sea 20 days.

What did Jacques Cartier face?

i dont know all of the challenges but one was that he didnt have proper winter clothes and some of his crew members died.

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They faced all of kinds of problems Hostile Indian,drought,and criminals to name three problems

Who funded Jacques Cartiers trips?

In many cases, the king would pay explorers to conduct expeditions into, as well as to claim new territory. This was the case with Jacques Cartier. King Francis I of France commissioned Cartier's expeditions.

How can endurance help us to face life?

Endurance is weathering the weather, meeting and passing the hardships and sailing the stormy seas. That is what is the face of life. But face is not all. We can not face life just as we can not face ourselves. In fact, we are life. That we can differentiate it from us is a very wrong notion. It is nothing but the sum total of all our deeds and actions from morning till night. If we do nothing, we do no living. The Universe through Nature has beautifully blended in man all faculties necessary to navigate all imaginable hardships in this Earth and in the Space. In eddies and whirls, do not strain but just skim the boat. And always remember the Universe's message to man: we are with you.

What hardships did the Vietnamese refugees during Vietnam war face?

Language barrier. Nearly all obstacles can be over come...once communications are in effect.

Why did the sailors believe the voyage was a fearsome one?

Because of all the dangers of sailing: scurvy, 'sea monsters' , storms, getting lost at sea and the early people- sailing off the face of the earth. These were all dangers they thought they would face on these voyages.

What were all of the voyages and missions discovered on mars?

There were no voyages or missions "discovered" on Mars

What challenges did Jacques cartier face?

Jacques Cartier faced challenges such as harsh weather conditions, limited resources, navigation difficulties, and conflicts with indigenous peoples during his expeditions to North America. These challenges often led to sickness among his crew, supply shortages, and communication barriers with the indigenous populations.

Did Saint Thomas have to face any hardships in his life?

Yes, Saint Thomas faced hardships in his life, including doubts, persecutions, and challenges to his beliefs. He faced skepticism from others, was martyred for his faith, and endured physical and emotional trials throughout his life.