

What were the crusades routes?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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there were many routes

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Q: What were the crusades routes?
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How the crusades impacted exploration?

they needed to find other trade routes to Asia

How did the crusades lead to columbus voyage of discovery?

It was in pursuit of such trade routes the Columbus "discovered" the New World.

Did the Christians in western Europe get organized into twelve Crusades to establish trade routes and defeat the Byzantine Empire?


What were four discoveries of the crusades?

new goods , land , trade routes , ocean ,

What are the religious economic and political reasons for the crusades?

The religious reasons for the Crusades were to reclaim Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim control. Economically, the Crusades helped to boost trade and economic activity in Europe by opening up new routes and markets. Politically, the Crusades were used by rulers to gain power and expand their territories, as well as to divert attention from internal conflicts.

Why did the Crusades revolutionize European culture?

The Crusades opened up forgotten trade routes with Asian cultures like the Muslims and Chinese who at the time were the most advanced civilizations. this allowed new technologies to spread to Europe and restart scientific research and discovery.

Did the crusades revived interest in orient?

The Crusades had a definite impact upon interest in the orient. Long after the Crusades were over, merchants still used the same pathways (first used by the crusading armies) as trade routes to the orient.

What were the religious economic and political reasons for the crusades?

The Crusades were motivated by a combination of religious, economic, and political reasons. Religious motivations included reclaiming the Holy Land and defending Christianity. Economic factors included the desire for access to trade routes and resources in the East. Politically, the Crusades served to unite European kingdoms under a common cause and expand territories.

In addition to teacher some amount of tolerance the crusades also encouraged what?

In addition to promoting tolerance, the Crusades also encouraged religious fervor, military prowess, and economic growth. The Crusades ignited a sense of duty among Christian warriors to reclaim the Holy Land and sparked technological advancements through interactions with other cultures. Additionally, the Crusades led to the establishment of trade routes and facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between the East and the West.

When did the European traders arrive in southwest Asia?

European traders arrived in Southwest Asia around the first century after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Crusades would later make it difficult to trade with the Arabs and Europeans began to look for routes other than land routes.

Later crusades no longer centered on religious spirit beacuse?

Later crusades were often more motivated by political and economic goals rather than religious fervor. The focus shifted towards gaining territorial conquests, trade routes, and power in the region rather than purely religious motivations. This change led to a more complex and varied set of motives driving the later crusades.

What was the goals of the crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.