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. The conditions on the ship are terrible. they do not eat very much only twice a day. If they refuse to eat their consequence is to be force fed. When they first got on the ship they were stripped down and examined by the captian and the surgeon. Though the surgeon is hardly qualified his job is to keep them alive. They are shackled and chained.They are in poor health from the mental and physical abuse they have to endure. Conditions on board ship are appalling. The living quarters is shared with a lot of other men, it is so cramped a lot of them have to crouch or lay down. The air that they have to breath is awful and people get seasick and have no choice but to vomit where they are. The lack of sanitation and suffocating conditions meant there was a constant threat of disease. Epidemics of fever, dysentery (the 'flux') and smallpox are frequent. If it is nice out we have to go on the deck to exercise this is the only time we get fresh air. Five new people came on the ship and one has already died. So 1 out of five dies.

and most importantly they certainly have no toilet, even if there were, they wont be able to get to it.

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Q: What was life on a slave ship?
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