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The Canary Islands

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Q: What island group does Las Palmas belong to?
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What is Las Palmas's population?

The population of Las Palmas is 383,308.

When was Las Palmas created?

CV Las Palmas was created in 1976.

What is Las Palmas District's population?

Las Palmas District's population is 17,924.

When did CV Las Palmas end?

CV Las Palmas ended in 2010.

What is Province of Las Palmas's population?

Province of Las Palmas's population is 1,083,502.

When did CH Las Palmas end?

CH Las Palmas ended in 1979.

When was CH Las Palmas created?

CH Las Palmas was created in 1975.

When was UD Las Palmas created?

UD Las Palmas was created in 1949.

When did Battle of Las Palmas happen?

Battle of Las Palmas happened in 1595-10.

What is Las Palmas Santurce 's population?

The population of Las Palmas - Santurce - is 2,772.

When was UD Las Palmas Atlético created?

UD Las Palmas Atlético was created in 1941.

What is the area of Las Palmas District?

The area of Las Palmas District is 1,006 square kilometers.