there is no prefix of suffix to the word navigate
The word for sailing all the way around the earth is Circumnavigate. From the latin Circum - to encircle and Navigate - to sail.
as a prefix, it means "around." For instance, "circumnavigate the world" means to navigate around the world.
The circum or circumference of a circle is the distance around it
An interesting fact about Ferdinand Magellan is that he was Portuguese and he sailed for the Spanish. Weird right? I know. He was the First one to circum navigate the world
circumstance,circumference, circumvent,
The prefix for the word "circumvent" is "circum-".
The root Circum means "Round"
Quod circum it circum venit
Circum means around. This was one of my stems.
The prefix of circumscribe is the circum which means around.
"Circum" is a Latin root and means "around." "Circus" is so called from the rings enclosing the show, (three-ring circus). So, "circumnavigate" means to navigate around, as in circumnavigate the globe. "Circumcise" means to cut around, (from the same root as "incision"). There are 204 words containing the root "circum" in Webster's Second International dictionary.