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Q: What happens to Odysseus on his eighteenth day of sailing?
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How many ships came sailing in On Christmas Day in the Morning?

The lyrics from the traditional Christmas carol "I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing In)" answer your question: "I saw three ships come sailing in, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, I saw three ships come sailing in, On Christmas Day in the morning." So, according to the carol, three ships came sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning!

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Sailing Club San Deigo?

Enjoy the San Diego Bay - Go Sailing Every Day

What is Odysseus as a modern day hero?

we are all odysseus on the inside

What does telemachus do at the end of book two?

After Telemachus gave a speech in the dining hall, the next day he called together a meeting of the island's council, and formally lodged his complaints against the suitors. He then went sailing to find news of his father Odysseus.

What is a good place to go in a sailing day?

A person being asked where a good place to go sailing on a sailing day might suggest places such as Greece, France, The Canary Islands or even Montengro.

Was Charybdis in the odyssey a girl or boy?

Charybdis is the whirlpool that Odysseus' crew avoid after sailing past the Sirens. It was a choice between sailing past Scylla, or chancing Charybdis, who 'sucks the dark waters down. Three times a day she spews them up, and three times a day she swallows them down once more in her horrible way." Odysseus decided it was 'far better to lose six of your company than your whole crew.'

How did Odysseus get into the cyclops cave?

Odysseus and his men walked into the cave during the day.

Second day of the month is a Monday then the eighteenth day of the month is a Wednesday?

yes 2 weeks later that is..

How many miles sailing in day?

Depends on the vessel and conditions

What day of the week did the eighteenth of February 1990 fall on?

February 18, 1990 was a Sunday.