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Philippines that is my answer alright

The Portuguese sailor, merchant and adventurer, Sebastián Rodríguez Cermeño sailed from Manila under the Spanish flag in command of the Spanish galleon, San Agustin.

Cermeño, thought to have lived between 1560 and 1602, was commissioned by King Phillip II of Spain to map and explore parts of the New World, in search of a safe harbour between Manila and Acupulco; the trip at that time was a long one for the wealthy trading Spanish galleons and put them at risk of the problems all lengthy sea voyages entailed as well as of pirate attacks.

The San Agustin anchored in a bay, claimed for Spain, which Cermeño named the Bay of San Francisco (not to be confused with San Francisco Bay, discovered in the late 1700s by the Spaniard Gaspar de Portolá).

Owing to heavy seas, the galleon broke up and Cermeño continued his exploration in a small open boat, much to the disgust of many of his crew. He sailed south, acurately mapping the Californian coast along the way, returning to Mexico (New Spain) in 1596.

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