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The act of sailing around something, usually the entire world.

You may wish to circumnavigate the heaviest traffic on your way home tonight.

There are 14 known artificial satellites currently circumnavigating Mars.

Ferdinand Magellan is credited with being the first to circumnavigate our globe, although he did not survive the trip.

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How is circumnavigate Used in a sentence?

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Is circumnavigate a noun?

No the word circumnavigate is not a noun. It is a verb.

Circumnavigate used in a sentence?

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How long to circumnavigate the sun?

It takes Earth approximately 365.25 days to orbit around the sun. This period of time is what we commonly refer to as a year.

What are some antonyms for circumnavigate?

There are no exact antonyms in the English language for the word Circumnavigate.

What would you do if you circumnavigate the world?

To circumnavigate the world is to sail completely round the world in a boat.

How could you use circumnavigate in a sentence?

Ferdinand Magellan did not survive his attempt to circumnavigate the globe.

What does it mean to circumnavigate the world?

to circumnavigate the globe means to go all the way around it.

How can you used the word circumnavigate in a sentence?

Circumnavigate is a verb meaning to proceed complete around, to go around. Example sentence: You circumnavigate the question entirely and never actually get to an answer.

Who captained the first ship to circumnavigate NZ?

The first ship to circumnavigate NZ was Captain Cook

A sentence using the word circumnavigate?

Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to successfully circumnavigate the world.

Is circumnavigate a verb?
