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He turned it to stone as it was returning to Scheria.

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Q: What did Poseidon do to the ship that had returned Odysseus to Ithaca?
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What did Poseidon to the ship that returned Odysseus to Ithaca?

He sent storms and contrary winds to inhibit their journey home.

What did Poseidon do to the ship that had returned to Ithaca?

He turned it to stone as it was returning to Scheria.

Who takes Odysseus home to Ithaca?

The Phaecians take Odysseus to Ithaca by their blessed ship from Scheria.

How did Odysseus get back to Ithaca?

Odysseus got back to Ithaca in a ship the the king of Pheacia lent him.

What happens to the sailors who brought Odysseus back to Ithaca?

Poseidon in a rage, turns the Scherian's ship to stone, drowning all aboard, just in sight of their home.

What did Poseidon do in The Odyssey?

In 'The Odyssey,' Poseidon, who had become enraged at Odysseus, turned the elements of nature against him and his crew. They were plagued by high wind storms until their ship wrecked, causing a delay in their return to Ithaca.

How does Odysseus get home to Ithaca?

The Phaecians take him to Ithaca by their blessed ship from Scheria.

Why had Odysseus not yet returned home from the Trojan war?

Odysseus had not yet returned home from the Trojan War because he had angered the god Poseidon. Poseidon placed many obstacles in Odysseus way so he would be unable to return to his home.

Where did the Phaeacian ship take Odysseus?

The Phaecian ship took Odysseus to the shores of Ithaca. He was dropped there with his tribute on the shore of the beach.

What does Ino give to Odysseus?

Poseidon sees Odysseus and creates a storm to destroy his ship. Ino gives Odysseus a veil that will protect him after the ship is wrecked.

In which book does Zeus destroy Odysseus' ship?

In the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer, it is not Zeus who destroys Odysseus' ship, but rather the god of the sea, Poseidon. Poseidon's anger towards Odysseus causes him to send storms and obstacles to thwart Odysseus' journey home.

What happens to the Phaecians when Poseidon finds out how they helped Odysseus?

Just before the ship that helped Odysseus reaches shore, it is turned into a rock and sunk by Poseidon.