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It was the Missouri River

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Gregorio Lind

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Q: What did Lewis and Clark travel on when they set off on their expedition from St. Louis in 1804?
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What river did Lewis and Clark travel on when they set off on their expedition from St. Louis in 1804?

It was the Missouri River

What river did Lewis and Clark travel on when they set off on their expedition from St Louis in 1804?

It was the Missouri River

When did the Lewis and Clark expedition return to St Louis?

3years after starting the expedition

In which direction did the Lewis and Clark expedition travel going from St. Louis to Fort Mandan?

northwest unless I'm mistaken.

When did Lewis and clark finish?

Lewis and Clark finished their expedition in September 1806 when they returned to St. Louis, Missouri.

When did the Lewis and clark expedition leave Saint Louis Missouri?


When did the Lewis and Clark expedition leave St. Louis Missouri?


How do you spell Louis and clark?

The correct spelling is "Lewis and Clark," referring to Meriwether Lewis and William Clark who led the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition in the early 19th century.

When did the expedition of Lewis and clark end?

The expedition of Lewis and Clark officially ended in September 1806 when they returned to St. Louis, Missouri after successfully exploring the western territories of the United States.

What was the starting place for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

the starting place was St. Louis

Where did William Clark end his voyage?

William Clark ended the Lewis & Clark expedition where is started, in St. Louis, Missouri

The Louisiana Territory was explored by an expedition under the leadership of?

Meriweather Lewis and William Clark led the expedition that explored the Louisiana Territory for the US government.