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Q: What country gave Christopher Columbus the money he needed for his journey?
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What did a naval advisor do in Christopher Columbus's time?

A naval advisor would of guided christopher columbus and would of told him what he needed for his journey [egfood] so he would bassicly help christopher columbus

What did Christopher Columbus use for transportation he needed?

he ask the king and he got his wish also to get from her to their he used boats he sailed in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the blue he sailed the blue be the 7 seas next thing you know he caught a disses Christopher Columbus now is dead because of a Native American called Fred.

What did Christopher Columbus need to complete his voyage?

Columbus needed things like food, water, ships, navigation equipment, medical supplies, beds, and a crew.

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i picked Columbus but i think i needed to make a second choice because people say Cartier is better and stuff so....

Was Christopher Columbus rich?

Yes, his family were Spanish nobility. Historians now believe he took on the persona of an Italian sailor because he needed the backing of the Spanish crown, but his family were rivals of the crown.

Why did Columbus need three ships?

why was Christopher Columbus finally awarded with his three ships

What was Christopher Columbus journey like?

The conditions on his boats were harsh. Not much food, scurvy outbreaks, vermin and lice were all rampant.

How did Christopher Columbus get the money needed?

the king and queen of Spain paid for him to travel

What did Columbus think he would find my sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean?

Columbus had a very hard time even to get the supplies he needed to make the journey but the trip was even more difficult with the lack fresh food and water. He came to a major discovery, North America. At first he thought that it was the land he always dreamed of one day finding (Asia). The descriptions that Marco polo gave was not what Christopher Columbus saw. So everyone assumed that this was a new piece of land or Christopher really didn't actually make it to Asia. But as many people thought, he actually found a new piece of land that was not claimed by any country. So many explorers went out to claim that land for their country. In the end some other man was given credit for discovering a new land that Columbus thought was Asia.As a further comment, Columbus first believed he had landed in the East Indies, or said another way, some islands that were off the coast of the East Indies.

When did Christopher Columbus find the UK?

There was no UK when Columbus lived. There were the independent kingdoms of England and Scotland, with Wales by then subject to England and Ireland in the process of subjugation. The Columbus and the rest of Europe already knew that England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales existed so neither he nor anyone else needed to find them.

Did the Navajo Indians have accomplishments in the past?

DUHHH! they started everything! because we (Navajo and other Indians) started out in America first before Christopher Columbus came. We learned how to grow things and started villages. But when Christopher Columbus came, he needed help so we taught him all that we knew then he took over and made us become slaves and used us. So basically we started out America.

What did Christopher Columbus believed he could reach India by sailing?

Columbus thought he could reach India by sailing west.