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Pilgrims! They were from the U.K., and they came over here on the mayflower. They came because they were sick of not having any freedom in the U.K. They didn't even get to choose their religion, King George chose everybody's religion, which was always what religion he believed in. So, a group of them came over on some ships (the main was the Mayflower) to gain new freedom. Then they ran into the united states...

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Q: What came to Plymouth Massachusetts on a ship called the mayflower in 1620?
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In 1620 what ship went to Plymouth?

The Mayflower landed near Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

What date was Plymouth established?

Plymouth, Massachusetts was established by passengers of the Mayflower on 11 November, 1620

What happend on November 11 1620?

in 1620 the Pilgrims from Plymouth England, wrote the mayflower compact, before landing in Plymouth Massachusetts.

When did the mayflower reach Canada?

THE ANSWER BELOW IS WRONG: The Mayflower never landed in Canada. It landed on the Massachusetts coast where Plymouth was built in 1620.

What are the names of the ships that landed at Plymouth rock?

The Mayflower landed at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

Where did the puritans migrated to New England to where?

In 1620 the ship Mayflower landed on the Massachusetts coast and began Plymouth colony.

When did the may flower land?

The Mayflower landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 21, 1620.

What is the name of the ship that brought the pilrims to plymouth?

Over the centuries many ships have brought settlers to Plymouth but the most famous would be the Mayflower. The Mayflower left Plymouth, England in Sept of 1620, arriving at Cape Cod in November. There the passengers settled in a place they called Plimoth (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA ) after the city from which they sailed.

Who found Massachusetts (Plymouth)?

Plymouth, MA: John Winthrop Massachussets Bay Colony: William Bradford

When did the pilgrams leave?

The Pilgrims left England on September 6, 1620, on a ship called the Mayflower. They arrived in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, in November of the same year.

What happened in 1620?

August 15 1620 the Mayflower departed Southampten England. In September the pilgrams sailed in the Mayflower to settle North America. December the Pilgrims land on what is now known as Plymouth Rock, 23rd construction of Plymouth Colonybegins, 26th Pilgrim Fathers land of what becomes New Plymouth in Massachusetts

Where did the pilgrims settle in the US?

The pilgrims first settled in Plymouth. They were supposed to land in Virginia ,but there ship was blown off course by a storm so they settled in Plymouth which is in present-day state Massachusetts.