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Q: What benefit does tourism have on the Caribbean?
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How some Caribbean countries benefit economically from their environment?

From the resources that the environment holds, and from the profits it makes from tourism.

How do some Caribbean countries benefit economically from their environment?

From the resources that the environment holds, and from the profits it makes from tourism.

Why doesn't increased tourism necessarily benefit people in Caribbean island countries?

Too muchof the land is owned by corporations outside the Caribbean, so all the revenue created on the land, in the form of hotels and tourism immediately leaves the Caribbean and finds its way into an offshore account instead of circulating in the Caribbean.

What are Some of the function of the Caribbean tourism organization?

function of caribbean tourism organization

What are the benefits of the Caribbean?

to have tourism

how many Caribbean countries depends on tourism?

Most if not all of the countries in the Caribbean depend on tourism to some degree. The Caribbean is a beautiful and attractive destination, so tourism is one of the main sources of revenue for these islands.

Which country introduced the concept of eco-tourism to the Caribbean region?

Costa Rica is credited with introducing the concept of eco-tourism to the Caribbean region. Their focus on sustainable tourism practices and conservation efforts have made them a leader in eco-friendly travel in the Caribbean.

What industry is the largest in the Caribbean?


Who benefits from tourism?

from tourism the most benefit go to the country and for the people but also it is benefit for the tourist.

What is the biggest industry in the Caribbean?

Tourism and then agriculture.

What is the main industry on the Caribbean Islands?


How does tourism benefit a country?

Tourism adds to the reputation and diversity of a country. The main benefit is the influx of money into the economy.