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Beihai is a major commercial port in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is a traffic juncture in south Guangxi and an important foreign trade gateway for Guangxi. The port has bagging facilities with an annual bagging capacity of 200,000 tons. Along with the development of Beibu Bay's Wei 6-1-1 oil field within the city boundary, petroleum will become a major cargo. Dalian, an important water-rail intermodal transport juncture, is the largest comprehensive commercial port in northeastern China engaged in passenger and multi-cargo transport. Foreign investment in manufacturing facilities is creating a demand for containerised cargo handling facilities which are being progressively built. Fangcheng is the largest coastal port in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, handling import and export cargoes to and from provinces in southwestern China. It is being engaged in bulk trade, expansion into containers is likely to be on a feeder basis. Fuzhou is a river estuary port situated 25 km from the mouth of the Minjiang River. The main harbour is located at Mawei 8 km from the city. There are shipping lines trading to most Chinese major ports. The port also has general and container liner services to Japan and Hong Kong and tramp trading to Asian ports, USA, Australia, and Eurpoe. Guangzhou Port is one of China's major ports, however, its development is constrained by extensive shallow areas and the heavy siltation. Plan is in place for dredging the channel down to - 12.5m by 2005 and to - 15m at the final stage. With Guaugdong Province together with Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan Guizhou and Sichuan Province as its hinterland and the plan for deepening of the approach channel, it has good potential, for further development. Lianyungang is a foreign trade port engaging in sea-land cargo intermodal transport. It is the shortest gateway to the sea for the 11 provinces and regions in eastern China. The Lianyungang Economic and Technical Development Zone is mid way between the city and the port. The construction of the zone is now basically completed, which will boost up the cargo throughput in the port. Nantong is a river estuary port of medium size. Cargo transshipment, is undertaken for the provinces and cities along the Changjiang River and its tributaries, shipping lines link the port with Japan, Korea, Australia, Europe, Russia and Africa. A direct shipping service has been set up to Europe. Ningbo, the largest commercial sea port in Zhejiang Province, is one of the shipping junctures linking ports in northern china with those in southern China. It caters for Ningbo's economic and coastal industrial development, serves areas in Zhejinag Province and along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi railroad, and handles large volumes of bulk cargo transshipment for Shanghai Economic Area and places along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. Qingdao is the largest commercial port in Shandong Province, well sheltered, ice free and silt free. A high technology Industrial Park and an Economic and Technical Development Zone have been set up near the port, the increase in container trade is expected. Coal from Shanxi Province is exported through the port. Quanzhou, known as "Silk Road on the sea" in the old days, is a major commercial port and is the third most important port in Fujian Province after Xiamen and Fuzhou. It is a gateway to the sea for areas along the Jiujiang River and the Luoyang River and a cargo transshipment port for areas around the port. Located in the southern most part of Hainan Island. It undertakes the seaborne passenger and cargo transport to and from the southeastern and southern areas of the island. Sanya has shipping routs to all the major ports in China. Passenger and cargo liner services operate to Hong Kong. Telecommunications facilities in the city are very modern, connecting to more than 900 major Chinese cities and 159 countries and regions in the world. Shanghai is the largest port in China. Being the centre of China's coastwise traffic, the Changjiang River Traffic, and ocean shipping and also being a water - rail intermodal transport juncture, it is a comprehensive and multi-propose commercial port and one of China's main foreign trade ports, however, access to the port is restricted by its limited depth. Even with dredging, there may be difficult in accommodating 6000 TEU ships. Shantou is a small but an important commercial port in the eastern coastal area of Guangdong Province and a transshipment point for cargoes to and from eastern Guangdong, southern Jiangxi and southwestern Fujian. The port has International Shipping lines to more than 40 ports in over 10 countries and regions in Asia, Africa and Europe. Container terminals are being developed to serve the rapidly developing economy in the eastern Guangdong region, and offer an alternative to the congestion and cost disadvantage of land transport. (The materials are acquired from which have been edited and rearranged, please go to the site for more details.)

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Q: What are the main ports and harbours in China?
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