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Q: What are the hidden objectives in Crucial Cargo in Battlestations Midway?
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How do you launch a recon plane on battlestations pacifc?

There is a stupid, but not obvious, or even hidden from a player way. Press "Ctrl" when you are on the ship which carry such planes (Mogami or Tone by default).

What are the goals of HSBC?

not imposible to comment(i think they have some sort of hidden objectives)wich they ddidnt want us to know and comment.. :D

What is the relationship formal curriculum and hidden curriculum?

The formal curriculum refers to the planned content and objectives of educational programs, while the hidden curriculum includes the values, beliefs, and norms that are implicitly taught through the school environment. The hidden curriculum can influence students' attitudes and behaviors outside of the explicit curriculum content.

Differentiate between formal and hidden curriculum?

The formal curriculum refers to the planned content and objectives designed and taught by educators. The hidden curriculum, on the other hand, consists of unspoken or implicit values, attitudes, and beliefs that students learn through the school environment and social interactions. While the formal curriculum is explicit and conscious, the hidden curriculum operates on a subconscious level and influences students' beliefs and behaviors.

Why are theologians so blind to the hidden things of the Bible?

----------------------- It is the role of theologians to defend and teach the faith. There are many things hidden in the Bible, including the use of biblical numerology, evidence of early Hebrew polytheism, particularly the worship of the moon god, sun god and Asherah (Venus), but study of these does not advance the objectives of theology. A few theolgians do acknowledge some of the hidden messages in the Bible, but are often criticised for doing so.

Who are the main characters in hidden figures?

The main characters in "Hidden Figures" are Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, who were African American women working as mathematicians for NASA during the early years of the space program. They played crucial roles in the success of the space missions, despite facing discrimination and overcoming significant challenges.

What are the three types of curriculum?

The three types of curriculum are official curriculum (formal content and objectives determined by institutions), hidden curriculum (values and beliefs taught indirectly through school culture), and null curriculum (topics not taught or excluded from the curriculum).

What are the Great Shinobi Nations?

well..... The hidden SAND Village The hidden Rock village The hidden Leaf villiage The hidden mist village and last but not least..... the hidden cloud village well..... The hidden SAND Village The hidden Rock village The hidden Leaf villiage The hidden mist village and last but not least..... the hidden cloud village

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What is the meaning of the hidden question?

a hidden question is a hidden question

Is hidden a verb?

Hidden can be a verb or an adjective.As a verb: "I have hidden the key."As an adjective: "I cannot find the hidden key."

What a hidden virus?

a hidden virus is were your virus is hidden so you have a virus but you can't see it. so its called a hidden virus.